Winter is right around the corner, and your heater feels the anticipation of being called on to keep your family comfortable. But like any performance machine, it can’t perform properly without regular maintenance. Here’s why you can’t skip your heater maintenance this fall.
Void Heater Warranty
Most heating system manufacturers understand how important proper maintenance is to keep the system running properly. As such, they make routine professional maintenance a term of their warranty.
That means that if you choose to skip your annual maintenance, you may not have the protection you think you do. Rather than having that warranty if your system breaks down, you’ll be left holding the entire bill. What’s better is that by getting your maintenance, your system is less likely to break down and need the warranty.
Increased Operating Expenses
As your system runs, it naturally has small particles that flow right through the air filter and into your system. They commonly settle on components like the heat exchanger and circulating fan wheel. As this happens, it reduces the airflow capacity of your system, leading to longer cycles.
Longer cycles mean your unit is burning more fuel and using more electricity. All of this drives up your operating expenses, potentially costing you more than the cost of a maintenance visit.
Your repair technician will clean your heat exchanger and circulating fan during your visit. This reduces the risk of preventable inefficiencies, keeping your utility bills down.
More Emergency Repairs
One of the primary stressors associated with owning a heating system is the concern over unexpected repairs. Unfortunately, these tend to happen during the coldest parts of the winter, when you depend on the system for safety as much as comfort. When they do happen, you are left paying emergency fees, driving up your repair costs.
During routine maintenance, your technician tests the components of your system to ensure they’re operating optimally. If they find something suboptimal, you have the opportunity to repair or replace the component before it becomes an emergency.
Airflow restrictions not only drive up your operating expenses, but they also add excessive strain to your system. While your technician cleans your system, they’re both improving your efficiency and reducing the risk of emergency repairs.
Less Healthy Air
Your health is in part determined by the quality of the air you breathe, especially in your home. The more particles floating around your house, the more likely you are to experience respiratory irritation.
As your system runs, the air circulating through your system picks up some of the particles that made it through the filter. It then circulates these particles back out through your residence for you to continue breathing.
As your technician cleans the components of your system, they’ll also solve this problem. By regularly cleaning your unit, they’ll remove these particles from circulation, making your air healthier to breathe.
More Risks for Your Family
Heating systems are so common that most people don’t recognize the risk they pose if something goes wrong. They run so well that this is considered a rare issue, but one you don’t want to realize in your home. Fortunately, these risks are minimized through the testing that’s part of routine maintenance.
Your technician will test your system for carbon monoxide to ensure there are no cracks in the heat exchanger or burn unit. They’ll also take care to test your gas supply system to ensure there are no dangerous gas leaks there. All of this works together to ensure that you don’t have to worry about your heating system having a problem that could harm someone in your household.
Reduces Your Heater’s Service Life
It’s no secret that your home’s heater is a significant expense, and repairs can be difficult to shoulder without planning. It’s easier to plan for these expenses when your system lasts the full excepted service lifespan of 15 to 20 years. However, skipping your maintenance starts eroding at your equipment’s service life, meaning you’ll increase your annualized expenses.
B.A.C. Systems Inc. has been the HVAC provider of choice for people around Farmingdale since 2004. Our team of experts provides heating and cooling installation, maintenance, and repair, along with a host of other services such as roofing, windows, and siding. Call to schedule your fall heater maintenance with one of our dependable and trusted technicians today.